Qualify a Product

SSL and LUNA Product Update Applications

Use the instructions below for guidance on updating information for previously-listed products on the QPL.

Please review the FAQs page for additional policy clarifications and contact applications@designlights.org with any questions about submitting an application to the DLC.

Updating Products to V5.1

Updating Listed Products to V5.1

  • All currently-qualified products must be updated to meet the V5.1 Technical Requirements or they will be delisted from the QPL at the end of the V5.1 grace period on June 30, 2022.
    If updating a V5.0 listed product to V5.1, the update application must be submitted by April 15, 2022.
  • Manufacturers may submit V5.1 update applications starting on July 1, 2020.
  • There will be no “automatic updating” for products to V5.1. Every product a manufacturer wishes to update to V5.1 must be included in an update application.

Updating V5.0 Listed Products to V5.1

  • Manufacturers may submit applications to update V5.0 listed products to the V5.1 Technical Requirements starting on July 1, 2020.
  • All products qualified as V5.0 must be updated to V5.1 in order to remain listed on the QPL after June 30, 2022.
  • If updating from V5.0 to V5.1, update applications must be submitted by April 15, 2022 and full review completed by June 16, 2022 in preparation for June 30, 2022 delisting date when products that aren’t qualified as V5.1 will be delisted from the QPL.

Updating Previously Qualified Private Label Products to V5.1

  • Private Label products must be updated to comply with the V5.1 Technical Requirements.
  • OEM product updates must be completed prior to submission of a V5.1 private label update application. Private label and OEM rules not mentioned in the V5.0 and V5.1 policy documents remain the same. Private labelers are encouraged to coordinate with their OEM suppliers to prevent delays.
  • Private label products that do not meet the V5.1 Technical Requirements will remain on the QPL until the end of the V5.1 transition period (June 30, 2022), at which point they will be delisted.
  • Manufacturers may submit V5.1 update applications starting on July 1, 2020.
  • Update applications must be received by April 15, 2022 and full review completed by June 16, 2022 in preparation for the June 30, 2022 delisting date.

Testing Products for V5.1

An example of the typical required testing and reporting required under V5.1 for a family of products is provided below. Specific testing and reporting requirements for each of the Technical Requirements can be found in the corresponding sections of the V5.1 policy.

CriterionWhich Model(s)Test Required
Minimum Light Output Worst-case light output Full LM-79/color report**, including accompanying .SPDX document.
Minimum Efficacy Worst-case efficacyFull LM-79/color report**, including accompanying .SPDX document.
Maximum CCT Highest CCT in family at lowest color rendition option Full LM-79/color report**, including accompanying .SPDX document.
Minimum CCT Lowest CCT in family at lowest color rendition option LM-79/color report**, including accompanying .SPDX document.
Minimum Color Rendering Lowest color rendition option in family Full LM-79/color report**, including accompanying .SPDX document.
ChromaticityLowest CCT at lowest color rendition option Highest CCT at lowest color rendition option Lowest CCT at highest color rendition option (Premium only) Full LM-79/color report**, including accompanying .SPDX document.
Minimum L70 Lumen Maintenance (L90 for Premium) ISTMT at worst case thermal conditions of LED, LM-80 for single LED package/module/array as required for Lumen Maintenance projection ISTMT LM-80/LM-84 TM-21/TM-28
Color Maintenance LM-80 for single LED package/module/array that is evaluated for color shift LM-80/LM-84
Driver ISTMT (Premium)* Worst-case driver temperature for each unique driver ISTMT
Zonal Lumen Distribution/ Spacing Criteria Each unique optical and distribution pattern Tested LM-79/distribution report**, including accompanying IES file
BUG Ratings (outdoor only) Each unique optical and distribution pattern Tested LM-79/distribution report**, including accompanying IES file
UGR (specific Indoor PUDs and premium only) Each unique optical and distribution pattern at the highest lumen output without consideration of the effect of color properties Tested LM-79/distribution report**, including accompanying IES file
THD/PF Worst-case performing driver in family Benchtop electrical testing

* Applications to update products to the V5.1 technical requirements that are qualified under V5.0 premium and have no product changes do not need to provide Driver ISTMT(s).

**Applications to update products to the V5.1 technical requirements that have no product changes from previous listings can submit Full LM-79/Color Reports and Full LM-79 Distribution Reports with data from tests conducted to obtain qualification under earlier technical requirement revisions.

*** A single full LM-79/color report may fulfill multiple criterion dependent on the luminaire models and performance included within an application

For full details on updating and testing products to V5.1, see the V5 Manufacturer and Industry Guidance below.

Updating Dimming Information

The DLC collects and reports the following information for all new products listed on the QPL:

  • Is the product capable of dimming?
    This will be indicated as “Yes,” or “No.” Previously-qualified products will indicate “Not Yet Verified” until a Dimming Update Application is submitted.
  • If the product is capable of dimming, how does the product dim?
    This will be referred to as the Dimming Type, and indicated as “continuous” dimming or “stepped” dimming.
  • If the product is capable of continuous dimming, is the product capable of dimming to 10% or below its full input power when installed in an appropriate system?
    This will be indicated as “Yes” or “No.”
  • Does the product provide field-adjustable light output? This will be indicated as “Yes” or “No”.
  • If the product is field-adjustable, what is the minimum wattage of the product? This will be indicated as a value in watts.
  • If the product is field-adjustable, what is the maximum wattage of the product? This will be indicated as a value in watts.
  • If the product is field-adjustable, what is the minimum light output of the product? This will be indicated as a value in lumens.
  • If the product is field-adjustable, what is the maximum light output of the product? This will be indicated as a value in lumens.

You may update the listings of your previously-qualified products with dimming information by submitting a Dimming Update Application, which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page. Please note that you must identify the unique model number(s) for each product variation submitted in an application with different combinations of reported dimming information. Products with different performance with respect to items #1-4 above will not be permitted to be represented by the same model number listing on the QPL.

Due to the lack of an industry standard testing methodology to verify dimming capability and performance under dimmed conditions, the DLC will not require testing be submitted to verify dimming performance at this time. The DLC will evaluate a manufacturer’s claims of dimming capability by ensuring that the dimming claims are clearly published in the product specification sheet and correspond with the unique model numbers submitted. DLC reviewers may check web listings and other marketing materials, and reserve the right to request additional information to demonstrate dimming capability if product specification sheets are not sufficient.

Updating Brand/Nomenclature

Update Nomenclature for Level 1 (formerly Single) and Level 2 (formerly Family Grouping) Products

To update product nomenclature or brand name for products qualified via a Level 1 or Level 2 application, manufacturers must provide the following:

  • Completed SSL OEM Update App Excel Form (download at bottom of page)
    • Only fields that are changing need to be completed
  • A signed statement on company letterhead that certifies no changes were made to the product (only to nomenclature/brand name), and briefly describes the reason for the nomenclature change. The statement must include the list of old and new model numbers.
  • For brand name updates: model numbers or Family IDs to be updated must be included
  • Updated spec sheet(s) that reflects the nomenclature/brand name change

Updating Nomenclature/Brand Name for Private Label Products

To update product nomenclature or brand name for products qualified via the Private Label application process, manufacturers must provide the following:

  • Completed SSL Private Label Update App Excel Form (download at bottom of page)
    • Only fields that are changing need to be completed
  • A signed statement on company letterhead that certifies no changes were made to the product (only to nomenclature/brand name), and briefly describes the reason for the nomenclature change. The statement must include the list of old and new model numbers.
  • For brand name updates: model numbers or Family IDs to be updated must be included
  • Updated spec sheet(s) that reflects the nomenclature/brand name change

To request a nomenclature/brand name change, select “OEM – Update” or “Private Label – Update” as the Application Type and submit the required documentation through the Application Portal. Effective February 1, 2025  there is a $250 Update Support Fee associated with nomenclature/brand name update applications.

Brand Name Guidance

To enhance the functionality of the QPLs, the DLC requires a Brand Name to be noted on all product applications. Using consistent nomenclature for your brand names optimizes the searchability of your products on the QPLs and reduces the number of brands a user must select from in the filter list to find your products.

  • If N/A or a blank is entered in the Brand Name field in the application form, it will be replaced with the manufacturer name associated with the products.
  • When entering the brand name, please be conscious of spelling errors, extraneous characters, and extra spaces, and consolidate brand names where applicable. This ultimately allows users of the QPL to search for products more efficiently.

Below is an example of how different variations of the same brand name creates multiple options, leading to increased confusion for users.

Effective February 1, 2025, there is a $250 Update Support Fee to update your existing brand name or nomenclature on the QPLs. Complete and submit a Product Update Application to make these changes for listed products.


Manufacturer Name Updates

The DLC understands that manufacturer names may go through changes after establishing an account with the DLC. To ensure that reviewers have the necessary documentation to accurately evaluate applications and that information listed on the QPL is consistent, the DLC will require the following for any manufacturer who wishes to change its manufacturer name after establishing a DLC account:

  • Government issued documentation demonstrating the change in company name. The documentation must be issued by the jurisdiction under which the company operates. Reviewers reserve the right to ask for additional documentation if the information provided does not appear to be official government issued documentation.
  • Manufacturers will be restricted to changing company names only one time per year. The DLC will allow exceptions to this rule for companies that are bought/sold multiple times within the same year. In the event that a company is bought/sold multiple times within the same year and requires more than one name change within the same year, the DLC will ask for sufficient documentation to demonstrate the need for multiple name changes.
  • Application documentation must represent the new company name within 3 months of the company name change documentation being approved by the DLC. After this 3 month grace period, any documentation submitted representing the previous company name will be asked to be revised in order to move forward with the application.

Updating Performance

Updating Performance (Tested Data)

If a manufacturer wishes to update the tested performance of a qualified product, the manufacturer must provide new test data for the updated product and pay the associated application fee. This will require DLC review. If the manufacturer wishes to have the originally qualified and updated products both listed on the DLC QPL, a new part number for the updated product must be provided to avoid duplicate model numbers on the QPL. If model numbers are not changed, the listing will be for the upgraded product only. Multiple products with identical model numbers may not be listed under the same product category on the QPL.

  • Delisted Products: Products delisted from the QPL due to changes in DLC performance requirements may be re-listed, using the same model numbers, if performance updates and test reports are available to support qualification. Manufacturers who wish to re-list these products should submit a new Update Application Form and supporting documentation of performance. Update applications will follow the fee structure for entirely new submissions.
  • Please note: For Private Label products to be re-listed, first the corresponding OEM products must be updated and re-listed.
  • For products delisted due to surveillance testing, new model numbers may be required when re-submitting. Please see the Surveillance Testing Policy (section G) for details.


Updating Performance (Reported Data Only)

If a manufacturer wishes to update only the reported performance of a qualified product, the manufacturer must provide new reported data for the updated product via completing the application excel form with the updated reported data, uploading any specification sheets and supplemental documentation referencing the updates, and uploading all required documentation (ex. safety certification document). This includes performance data and controllability options. This will require DLC review and will incur a $250 Update Support Fee (Effective February 1, 2025).

  • Please note: For Private Label products to have their performance updated, first the corresponding OEM products must have their performance updated.
  • Delisted products cannot have their performance updated unless they are within an application to re-list the product.


Updating to Premium

In order to update products on the QPL to the DLC Premium classification, manufacturers must submit the additional required information on driver ISTMT, safety certification, controls information, and L90 evaluation, along with a new application form and any other additional information not provided with the original application. Learn more about submitting a Premium application here.

Adding Products to an Existing Listed Family

Adding Products to Existing Level 1 (formerly Single) and Level 2 (formerly Family Grouping) Applications

To add product variations to an existing list of products, manufacturers must submit an SSL Update Application and provide the following:

  • Updated spec sheet(s) that reflect the new product offerings
  • Proof of safety certification for the new products from an appropriate safety certification body relevant in the US or Canada (.pdf file format required) 
  • A QPL download of the existing qualified products
  • Completed SSL OEM Update App Excel Form that includes the additional products seeking qualification

If the additional products will create new worst-case brackets for the existing family, represent new optical distributions, and/or introduce different drivers, additional testing will be required per the standard Level 1 and Level 2 application instructions.

Adding Products to Existing Level 1 Listed Product groups will incur a $250 Update Support Fee (Effective February 1, 2025).

Adding Products to Existing Private Label Products
To add product variations to an existing Private Label listing, please follow the Private Label application process.

Re-listing Delisted Products

Products that have been delisted, regardless of the cause, must submit a New Application as opposed to an Update Application in order re-list their products. This must include all documentation necessary for the original qualification as well as a QPL download of the delisted products for re-listing.
These applications will be charged fees associated with the new application type.

Product Changes Requiring an Update Application

An update application is required for listed products in the following scenarios:

  • Updated products have new model numbers
  • Updated products are no longer covered by the submitted safety certification documentation
  • Updated products have worse performance for any of the metrics included in the DLC technical requirements
  • Updated products have a better performance and the manufacturer would like the QPL to reflect the updated performance
  • Updated products were submitted as a private label product or the updated products have been private labeled

The DLC relies on manufacturers to conduct due diligence to determine whether an update is required based on the criteria listed above. The DLC reserves the right to require update applications when necessary for application processing.

NOTE: If multiple safety documents cover the same models within a single application, only one may be submitted and used for qualification. Manufacturers must ensure all products listed on the QPL maintain an active safety certification from an approved safety certification organization. If the submitted safety certification documentation is voided (i.e. no longer covers listed products), an update  application is required to be submitted with an active safety certificate for listed products. The DLC reserves the right to request additional information related to multiple safety documents at its  discretion and may delist products that no longer have an active safety certification

Update Application Forms

The application forms below should be used on all applications submitted through the Application Portal.