Qualify a Product

SSL and LUNA Level 2 (Formerly Family Grouping) Applications

Eligibility for Level 2 (formerly Family Grouping) Applications

To submit a Level 2 (formerly Family Grouping) application, your group of products (or family group) must meet the following criteria:

  • A family group must contain a single LED package/module/array, or standardized set of LED packages/modules/arrays (see requirements for multiple LEDs).
  • The fixture must demonstrate scalability or modular use of the identical LED packages/modules/arrays electronics, optics, heat sinking, and any other applicable features.
  • Other design parameters and components, such as electronics, optics, heat sinking, and other performance-affecting and non-performance affecting features are typically allowed to vary, consistent with this policy and provided that impact on performance is well understood and explained by the applicant. The DLC reserves the right to request additional information confirming that these features do not affect performance.
  • A family may contain multiple driver variations as well as different LED drive currents achieved by an adjustable driver.
  • The overall physical fixture housing and assembly of the products in the family group is of identical material, construction, and shape, and differs primarily in overall physical dimensions for different models within the product grouping. If the family group differs in overall dimension for different models within the group, each dimensional change will be grouped in a sub-group.
  • Decisions on whether a given group of products are eligible to be submitted in the same application is at the sole discretion of the DLC. Variation in materials, designs that change the position of key components relative to one another, and other variations that, in the judgement of the DLC, have potential to cause differences in optical, electrical, or thermal performance, will generally not be allowed within the same family group.
  • A family may contain variations in fixture mounting systems if mounting systems do not change thermal management characteristics.
  • If multiple driver variations are included within the family group, please refer to the testing requirements for specific instructions.

Model Number Guidance

Submitters must list full and complete model numbers that clearly demonstrate all product options offered in the family group in all application submissions.

  • “Full and complete model numbers” means model numbers that include all performance-affecting and non-performance affecting variations offered, and which do not omit any option that is available to customers in the market. In general, options that do not affect the performance of the product can be submitted as a single model number with multiple options bracketed in the model number. For example, a product that has multiple exterior paint color, mounting, plug, or other options, that do not affect performance, may include all options in brackets (e.g. “[WH, BLK, SLV, GRY]” or “[All Options]”) within a single model number. Any options that are not present on the submitted specification sheet or supplemental documentation will not be considered qualified and a new specification sheet, supplemental documentation, and/or test reports may be required for options added to the luminaire after qualification. Low and high voltage options can be submitted as a single model number (e.g. “ABC 10LM [120V-277V, 347V-480V] WH”) with the worst case performance reported. Multiple or alternate drivers can also be listed in a single model number as long as the drivers perform nominally the same. If the alternate drivers perform nominally differently – that is, they are not presented to customers as having the same performance other than voltage input, and result in different ordering codes – then the unique drivers will need to be listed in separate model numbers. Options that affect the lumen output, presence or lack of dimming capabilities, FALO, FALD, color tunable, or DC/POE cannot be bracketed and submitted as a single model number.
  • DLC reviewers may check web listings and other marketing materials and reserve the right to request additional information to demonstrate the full and complete model number. A lack of clarity in model numbers will result in delayed application processing; misrepresentation of model numbers in the application process discovered outside the application process will generally be considered a violation of the DLC program and trademark rules.
  • Each model number can only represent the fixture under a single brand. If the fixture can be sold under multiple brands, model numbers will need to be listed separately for each brand.

Please contact applications@designlights.org with any questions about submitting an application to the DLC.

Brand Name Guidance

To enhance the functionality of the QPLs, the DLC requires a Brand Name to be noted on all product applications. Using consistent nomenclature for your brand names optimizes the searchability of your products on the QPLs and reduces the number of brands a user must select from in the filter list to find your products.

  • If N/A or a blank is entered in the Brand Name field in the application form, it will be replaced with the manufacturer name associated with the products.
  • When entering the brand name, please be conscious of spelling errors, extraneous characters, and extra spaces, and consolidate brand names where applicable. This ultimately allows users of the QPL to search for products more efficiently.

Below is an example of how different variations of the same brand name creates multiple options, leading to increased confusion for users.

There is no cost to update your existing brand name nomenclature on the QPLs. Simply complete and submit a Product Update Application to make these changes for listed products. For more information, please review the instructions under Updating Nomenclature/Brand Name on the Product Update Applications page.

Testing Level 2 (Formerly Family Grouping) Products

The Level 2 (formerly Family Grouping) testing policy is designed to reduce testing burden as well as reduce the total application fees required by manufacturers to list groups of products that comply with the Level 2 application criteria, relative to testing and listing all products individually. By identifying the worst-case models within a family group, limited testing can be provided if the worst-case models demonstrate compliance with the Technical Requirements. Due to some specific scenarios, product families may not include a parent product, however child products within the family have been validated against all criteria through required related test data.

Application Instructions

Determine if your product is eligible to be qualified by the DLC and meets the Technical Requirements.

  • Please check the SSL Product Eligibility page to determine if the DLC accepts applications for your product type.
  • Review the Technical Requirements to determine whether your product meets DLC minimum performance requirements.
  • If you are submitting for LUNA qualification, review the LUNA Technical Requirements to determine whether your products are eligible and meet the minimum performance requirements.
  • Review Testing Lab Requirements and any product category-specific testing and reporting requirements to ensure your product has been properly tested.

Complete the SSL OEM App Excel Form.
Download and complete the SSL OEM App Excel Form (.xlsx) at the bottom of this page. If you are submitting any of your products under LUNA, be sure to fill out the LUNA specific fields starting in column AY.

[For LUNA products only] Use the LUNA Pre-submission Tool in your MyDLC dashboard to generate the required luminous intensity and SPD images.
The LUNA Pre-submission Tool allows you to upload an .IES or .SPDX document to validate, generate, preview and download DLC-formatted luminous intensity distribution images and spectral power distribution (SPD) in .png format, which are required in the application submission process for LUNA products.

Create or log into your MyDLC account.
If you have not done so already, create a MyDLC account with the DLC. Once logged in, select the manufacturer you will be submitting on behalf of. Enter the Application Portal by clicking on the blue Application Portal button. Note that this button is only accessible for manufacturers and users authorized to submit applications.

Start a new application and upload the SSL OEM App Excel Form.
Select the program and application type you wish to submit, name the application for your reference, and select the manufacturer you are submitting on behalf of. If you have not done so already, download and complete the SSL OEM App Excel Form (.xlsx) at the bottom of this page. Upload this completed form under the “Upload Completed Application Excel Form” section. If there are errors within your uploaded form, a red error message will display the reason why the form was not accepted.

Complete the online application questionnaire.
Complete the application questionnaire by entering all required information and uploading all required supporting documentation files. Your answers will be auto-saved, and you may exit and return to the questionnaire at any time.

Note that all supporting documentation must include the specific, relevant model or part number. Documents and files related to the luminaire, (e.g., LM-79, ISTMT) must include the unique model number of the luminaire that is included on the application. Documentation related to the LED package/model/array (e.g., the LM-80 report) must include the part number of the specific LED package/module/array that is named in the application. Please communicate with any independent laboratory the exact luminaire model number that it should include in its test reports. Required supporting documentation includes:

  • Manufacturer product specification sheet
  • LED package/module/array specification sheet (i.e. the specification sheet for the element that was tested for LM-80)
  • IES LM-79-08 report(s) containing sections 9, 10, and 12
  • Supplemental power quality test report or LM-79 with worst case power factor and total harmonic distortion (THD) measurements (If not included in primary LM-79)
  • IES photometric file (.ies)
  • Legal warranty document explaining warranty terms and conditions
  • Proof of safety certification from an appropriate safety certification body relevant in the US or Canada (.pdf file format required)
  • Product installation instructions (only required for retrofit kits and linear replacement lamps)
  • Lumen maintenance information
  • Test Report Authorization form (only required if the submitting organization’s name is not represented within your test reports)

Complete the Terms of Use agreement and submit the application.
Application reviews will not begin until the application is submitted. Once you have clicked “Submit,” you will be presented with the Terms of Use agreement that includes the Logo Guidelines Compliance Statement, Surveillance Testing Compliance Statement, and Safety Certification Compliance Statement. Full text of the agreement is available here. Sign the agreement to submit your application.

For those applicants who do not have the appropriate level of authority to agree to the Terms of Use, it is recommended that the signing authority create a DLC account under your company’s organization and digitally sign off once the application is complete.

Application Forms

The application forms below should be used on all applications submitted through the Application Portal.