Outdoor Lighting Ordinances

The DLC conducted research to identify locations with published outdoor lighting ordinances to mitigate light pollution. The maps below show locations throughout Canada and the U.S. with an outdoor lighting ordinance. States and provinces shaded blue have a statewide/provincewide policy. The round yellow markers indicate cities, towns, and counties with an ordinance. For further detail on individual policies, please download the map in list format for URLs to individual policies, and inquire directly with the location. This is not a comprehensive list (updated as of June 2, 2024); if you do not see a location listed and believe it should be please email info@designlights.org.

To read more about outdoor lighting ordinances click here or to review sample language that can be used by communities as a starting point in creating their own light pollution bylaws or ordinances view and print the document here.

Click here to download map data in list format. (Updated as of June 2, 2024)