Horticultural Lighting

Qualify a Fixture

Before starting a horticultural lighting application, do the following:

Determine if your product is eligible to be qualified by the DLC and meets the Technical Requirements. See the Technical Requirements to determine whether your product is eligible for qualification, meets DLC minimum performance requirements, and has been properly tested.

Gather required documentation for horticultural product submission. Review the Required Documentation Checklist below to ensure you have the necessary files on hand to complete the application form. Refer to the Horticultural Application Question Descriptions list below for detailed explanations of each question that appears on the horticultural application form.

The application is evaluated against the Technical Requirements version in effect at the time the application is submitted. Re-submissions of an application are evaluated against either the original version of the Technical Requirements, or the version in effect when the re-submission was received, at the discretion of the DLC reviewer.

The DLC reserves the right to alter or amend program policies, including Technical Requirements, such changes may result in products being removed from the QPL at the discretion of the DLC.

Please contact horticulture@designlights.org with any questions about submitting a horticultural application to the DLC.

The Application Process

  • Level 1 (formerly Single Product) Applications

    For single products products being submitted for qualification.

  • Level 2 (formerly Family Grouping) Applications

    For groups of products that contain a single LED package/module/array, a standardized set of LED packages/modules/arrays, and/or variations in standardized sets of LED packages/modules/arrays.

  • Private Label Applications

    For private labels of products or groups of products that are currently listed on the Qualified Products List.

  • Product Update Applications

    Submit a revised application to meet the most recent version of the Technical Requirements or to reflect new product information since the original submission.

  • Delisting Requests

    For submitters to request to remove products that are currently listed on the Qualified Products List.

  • Expedite Application Pilot Program

    The DLC is offering a limited time option to expedite your horticultural application review.